The Importance of Omega EFAs for Kids

The benefits of omega 3 fatty acids or EFAs are widely known. Many people try to consume more seafood to get these healthy fats. However, it’s often more convenient to take a fish oil supplement. What’s less known is that children’s omega-3 supplements are also available. Kids need healthy fats as much as adults. Let’s look at why it’s important to make sure your kids have a diet that’s rich in Omega EFAs.

The Importance of Kid’s Omega-3 Supplements

Kids need healthy fats for similar reasons as adults. In many ways, it’s even more important for children to have omega 3’s in their diet, as their bodies are still developing. Here are some reasons to include omega-3’s in your children’s diet:

  • Supports cognitive development. Fish has long been called “brain food,” as one of the benefits of omega 3’s is helpful for brain function. A fish oil supplement can help infants and children with healthy cognitive development.
  • May manage symptoms of ADHD. Kid’s omega-3 supplements may help to control hyperactivity in young children.
  • Reduce the risk of diabetes. Childhood diabetes rates have risen sharply in recent years. An omega-3 supplement may reduce the risk of children developing this serious disease. It’s also important to make sure kids eat a balanced diet and get sufficient exercise to avoid obesity.
  • May help symptoms of asthma. Omega-3 supplements may help reduce asthma symptoms in children.
  • Manage depression. Depression can affect children and young adults as well as adults. Omega-3’s have a positive impact on brain chemistry and may help alleviate symptoms of depression and other psychiatric disorders.

You can help your kids get more healthy fatty acids by serving them foods such as salmon, sardines, flaxseeds, walnuts and other foods that are rich in omega-3’s. However, kids may not like fish or other foods on this list. There’s also the question of purity when it comes to fish. With supplements, it’s easier to verify the source of the fish. A kid’s omega-3 supplement from a reputable company provides a reliable way to provide children with these important nutrients.

The Advantages of Proper Vit Children’s Omega-3 Supplement

Proper Vit’s Omega-3 Fish Oil Gummies for Kids provides a convenient way to make sure your kids get sufficient healthy fats. Here are the main points to know about this kid’s omega-3 supplement.

  • Each serving provides 82 milligrams of omega-3’s.
  • Appropriate for kids of 4 and above.
  • Chewable, with natural delicious flavors. Easy for kids to consume.
  • Non-GMO verified.
  • Gluten-free.
  • Help Your Kids Get the Nutrients They Need

It’s getting more challenging to raise kids with a healthy diet and lifestyle. Junk food is readily available everywhere. Just as importantly, kids tethered to their electronic devices tend to live a mostly sedentary lifestyle. Parents need to be vigilant to ensure their kids are getting sufficient nutrients as well as physical activity. The right supplements can help. Children’s omega-3 supplements provide kids with essential fatty acids they may not be getting from their diet.

Proper Vit has children’s omega-3 supplements as well as many other quality nutritional products for kids and adults.